Healing…it’s only natural

Healing is your body’s natural way. Cuts cauterize, bones fuse. Of course, we can help by cleaning lacerations and setting vibes so that the body can do its best healing, but the body does the real work.
And so do our souls…our hearts…our minds. If only we can follow the pain response of a wound in order to lean-in and address it.

Commonly, however, we fall for the beliefs that was should be happy, contented and comfortable, so we try to avoid the pain. We run away, numb, and ignore the pain that is bidding for attention to be given to a really important matter.

“Suffering well” is a term that describes the orientation toward pain so that whatever is causing the pain can be relieved—maybe a heartbreak, a relationship, or a loss. It also describes the countercultural belief that learning to endure pain makes the pain less painful.

You see, as a human being you have the capacity for a wide wide wide range of human experiences; and it’s only privileged cultural that induces you into thinking that you should always be somewhere in the narrow margin of “happiness” and “ambition”. You were born for pain and joy and grieving and discovery and loss and making meaning of it all. You have the ability to make stories for how YOU want to live, not how your mom wants you to. Not how Gucci or Coca-cola or Patagonia or Instagram wants you to.

You get to hear what Pain is trying to tell you. And you get to listen for how to dress the wound. There’s no 5-step plan for how to get over her…there is only your natural healing process of tears, talking, journaling, and silence. There is no right away to handle your dad’s death, only Pain can help you understand what you need for you…to heal naturally.

Anthony Riske