Grief and loss are everyday occurrences…

grief grieve grieving everyday letting go

I lost my dad to a terminal illness this past January. It was striking how much I missed him, hated him, and was relieved for him (that he was no longer in pain).

Now, every day I realize that little versions of the same feelings: sadness, anger, peace, curiosity, confusion…

Life gives us so many opportunities to practice grieving. Being bummed about a date cancelling last-minute. Hearing your best friend is moving away. Finding out your partner now longer wants to be with you. Learning that the company you work for is downsizing.

Daily we have chances to develop our capacities for perspective and assessing our values. We are faced with a need for grace and patience. We discover what really matters to us because we have to let go…

Living is difficult…and then some we love will die. Grieving any type of loss is hard, but permanence is a particular type of suffering. It’s draws upon a kind of love that that will adapt, but will not let go—not entirely. It is an human experience everyone goes through, and yet can feel so personal that it seems no one can truly understand it.


Want to know a secret? Therapist don’t always understand your suffering, but we are hear to be with you in it. To remind you that it doesn’t have to kill you. To find new life among the ashes of the old.

Anthony Riske